Asia prioritizes Sendai Target (e)

2017-12-25 05:52 Source:UNISDR


“We are determined to demonstrate our country’s regional leadership on key aspects of DRR, including the achievement of target (e) as well as urban resilience and the importance of public-private partnerships,” Ms. Lkhagvasuren said.

“We are also using the AMCDRR as a way of increasing awareness of disaster resilience in our own country, right down to the local level.”

UNISDR Chief of Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Ms. Loretta Hieber Girardet heralded the IAP’s focus on practical recommendations as an example of regional coordination in action that will translate into a positive impact on protecting lives and livelihoods.

“The overall trend of increasing disaster risk reinforces the need to scale up implementation of the Sendai Framework. The IAP and AMCDRR 2018 are regional mechanisms that galvanize action in disaster resilience at the local and national level,” Ms. Hieber Girardet said.

The AMCDRR 2018 is being co-organized by the Government of Mongolia and UNISDR. It will take place in Ulaanbaatar 16-19 July 2018.

The Prime Minister of Mongolia, Mr. U. Khurelsukh, is UNISDR’s newest DRR Champion for Asia, receiving the award at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, in Cancun, Mexico, in May this year. He continues to champion the DRR agenda particularly in terms of urban resilience and the role of youth as change agents.

The IAP was opened by Ms. Kirsi Madi, Director of UNISDR, and attracted 100 participants with representatives from governments, intergovernmental, UN and international organizations, business, academia, civil society, the Red Cross and Red Crescent and various other stakeholder groups and sectors.

Representatives provided technical and strategic input to the six main Technical Sessions for the AMCDRR 2018 that cover the four priorities of the Sendai Framework – understanding risk; governance; investing in DRR; and preparedness for response and build back better – as well as monitoring implementation of the Sendai Framework and coherence of the overall development agenda.


15 Dec 2017


United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)
