Building Kathmandu Back Better

2018-01-26 00:53 Source:UNISDR AP


UNISDR has a well established partnership with the Government of Nepal. It has provided technical support for the development of the 2017 Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act as well as the National Platform for DRR. UNISDR will also provide support to the intended establishment of Local Platforms for DRR. 

Nepal is firmly committed to implementing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the global plan for reducing disaster losses by 2030, which places particular emphasis on building back better with a view to avoiding new risk and reducing existing levels of risk. 

Kathmandu Metropolitan City used the opportunity of Earthquake Safety Day to highlight the importance of an inclusive approach to DRR. This is one of the headline messages of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. 

City officials led an Earthquake Safety Rally through the streets of Kathmandu that included representatives from various Government offices, community groups, the police force, the Nepal Army, and businesses. It emphasized the fact that DRR is everyone’s business. 

Kathmandu is one of 20 municipalities worldwide taking part in the UNISDR-European Commission Making Cities Resilient programme, which supports the development and implementation of DRR Action Plans. 

The 7.6-magnitude earthquake on 25 April 2015, in the Kathmandu Valley killed almost 9,000 people and injured more than 23,000 others. Eight million people were affected, 605,282 buildings destroyed and 288,261 damaged.


24 Jan 2018


United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Asia and Pacific (UNISDR AP)


Urban Risk & Planning, Governance, Critical Infrastructure, Cultural Heritage




